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Calculate the Cost of Injuries on your Business

How many employees do you have? 

Enter number only, no comma's - ie. 1000

What is your WorkCover Industry Code (WIC) rate?

Drop down to select WIC rate

What is your average salary per employee?

Aus Industry Average is $90,000

Enter number only, no comma or $ - ie. 90000

What % of your gross revenue is your net profit?

Aus Industry Average is 4.6%

Enter number only, no % - ie. 4.6




Your Current Injury Management Costs


Number of Employees :


Average Remuneration:


Industry Premium Rate:


Average Net profit:   



Serious Injuries:


Minor Injuries:


Lost Time Days:


Other Absences:




Replacement labour: 



Other Direct Costs:

Indirect Costs: 

Total Cost of Injuries:




Revenue the business must earn to mitigate the impact on profit:


What would a 20% improvement in your safety performance achieve?

Average for 1000 Employees

Serious Injuries:

Minor Injuries:

Lost Time Days:

Other Absences:








Replacement labour: 


Other Direct Costs:


Indirect Costs: 

Total Cost of Injuries:



Impact on Required Profit:


New Results  











20% Savings











Customer Examples:

SafetySuite's Hazard Identification Module in a Utility customer led to 63% reduction in serious injuries

SafetySuite's financial accountability initiative in a transport customer led to 58% reduction in serious injuries

The true cost of poor safety practices within your organisation is much higher than you might think



Indirect costs refer to longer term impacts on the business due to unsafe work environments, even before an accident or incident occurs. According to NSC, indirect costs are $2.12 for every $1 spent on direct costs.


Some of these include;

  • Delays of projects and schedules

  • Equipment damage

  • Investigation of actions and implementation to correct them

  • Cost of other government benefits required by injured workers

  • Loss of skilled workers 

  • Overtime pay

  • Productivity drops due to team disruption

  • Temporary workers to cover the injured worker 

  • Training of new team members or temporary team members

  • Impact on morale



Direct costs of a workplace accident or incident are measurable costs that can be added up by a business following the incident.


Some of these include;

  • Legal fines 

  • Compensation

  • Payment to replace/repair damaged equipment and property. 

  • Sick pay

  • Employment cover

  • Other legal costs

The true cost of safety is far more than just your insurance premium.  For every serious claim you will also need to consider lost time (median of 7 weeks), make up pay amounts, wages to cover injury and claim managers compensation and much more.  To really understand the true cost of safety you need to account for a wide range of potential direct and indirect costs. 

Assumptions used to build the calculator:


Claim Cost Rate: 

Across all industries in Australia the average is 1.15%

Reference: Insurance Premium Stimulator Spreadsheet | WorkSafe Victoria.


Premium Industry Rate: 

Across all industries in Australia the average is 1.89%

Reference: Insurance Premium Stimulator Spreadsheet | WorkSafe Victoria.


Average Salary:

The Australian average salary in 2021 is $90,000. 

Reference: Population Australia


Net Profit Estimation:

The net profit margin for all Australian companies across all industries was 4.6% for the 2019-2020 financial year. This is an average across all industries and company sizes, and specific industries and companies can have significantly higher or lower profit margins.

Reference: Australian Bureau of Statistics


Median Lost Weeks

The average lost weeks for a major safety incident is 7 weeks. 

Reference: Data and research | SafeWork Australia


Median Compensation Paid:  

The median compensation paid per safety incident is $12,995. 

Reference: Data and research | SafeWork Australia


Estimated Serious Incidents: 

SafetySuite customer data has shown that on average a business of 1000 people can expect 80 serious incidents per year. 


Estimated Minor Incidents: 

SafetySuite customer data has shown that on average a business of 1000 people can expect 239 minor incidents per year. 


Cost of Replacement Labour:

Overtime wage rate of 1.5 for hourly employees was based on the FairWork Australia schedule. 

Reference: FairWork Australia



Don't manage safety by accident.

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